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I offer full diagnostic assessments for both dyslexia and dyscalculia.  A full diagnostic report includes an outline of strengths and difficulties with recommendations for intervention and support and how skills can be developed further.

A  full diagnostic assessment takes approximately 3 hours to complete, with short rest breaks so that the learner can perform at their best. On some occasions, the assessment can be completed over two sessions.   

Both areas for development and strengths are detailed and are used to inform teachers how to plan for effective interventions. If a profile of dyslexia/dyscalculia is found, the assessment will offer an official diagnosis along with recommendations that can be used for exam access requirements. 

Maths and/or English Learning Assessments are available for younger learners. Please enquire for further details.

DSA Assessments and Exam Access Arrangements Testing for schools can be provided. Please enquire for further details.

For further information about Specialist Teaching please enquire for further details and availability. 

I am currently enrolled in an ADHD Accredited Coaching Diploma with the ADHD Foundation. I am looking forward to offering ADHD Coaching soon! 


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Image by Sven Brandsma

Dyslexia Assessment  


A wide range of of standardised tests are used including reading, phonological processing, spelling, speed of processing, memory skills, visual perception and visual/verbal underlying ability. Both areas for development and strengths are detailed and are used to inform  teachers how to plan for effective interventions. If a profile of dyslexia is found the assessment will offer an official diagnosis along with recommendations that can be used for exam access requirements. 


A Literacy Screening can be completed for younger learners, when a full diagnostic assessment is not yet appropriate. A comprehensive assessment is completed to identify areas of strength and areas for development which can be used to inform an intervention programme.


Image by Susan Holt Simpson

Dyscalculia Assessment 


•  A wide range of standardised tests are used including literacy attainment, tests of verbal, visual and visual-spatial reasoning and cognitive processing (such as memory, phonological processing, processing speed and accuracy, visual spatial sequential skills)

•  Informal, qualitative tests of understanding of number that use subitising, symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, ordering and concrete tools to explore concept of number and number sense.

•  Timed and untimed standardised measures of Arithmetic (+, -, x, ÷). will help establish if time pressure makes a difference on performance.

•  Mathematics reasoning and problem solving, including word problems to investigate if difficulties are related to number, or mathematical terminology, or language more generally.


A Mathematics Screening can be completed for younger learners, when a full diagnostic assessment is not yet appropriate. A comprehensive assessment is completed to identify areas of strength and areas for development which can be used to inform an intervention programme.



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